About me and my work
“I cry because it hurts that the soft places where we can talk about our pain are too small for enough questioning, listening, and understanding, for grief, anger, and solidarity all at once.”
(Alisa Tretau – “Not Only Mothers Were Pregnant”)
With my work I create such soft places. Spaces where people feel safe and secure enough. In which they may allow themselves to courageously and self-compassionately explore their sexuality-related questions, pains & pleasures – at the pace of their bodies. And quite often, scars emerge. What then?
I myself was allowed to have very early experiences with death and birth care. Since then I have been fascinated by all the scars of these two inseparable somatic primordial experiences. They give me confidence in my own aliveness.
Somatic sexual learning accompaniment has helped me to be able to feel myself again in spite of or precisely because of the scars, and to allow this aliveness even in a busy everyday life of “having to function”.
In spite of all discriminating, restrictive social structures and educational styles. They have shaped our ideas and norms of how sex should be and which bodies are considered desirable and which are not. Way too long, way too deep and way often too hurtful – Let*s unlearn them!!!
“The political lives in our tissues and movements.” (Mary Watkin)
I see myself as a queer-, poly-, sexwork-, HIV-, BDSM-, rainbow- and single-parent-family-friendly contact person. At the same time, my space is open to ALL people – unconditional queerness for all.
I have had and continue to have the privilege of being able to further my education in a variety of ways, and accordingly bring a colorful bouquet of head- and body-based approaches to each session: social and cultural anthropology, sexological bodywork, elementary school teaching, somatic coaching, Lomi Lomi massage, queerfeminist theater activism, power-reflective kids mentoring, somatic death care, and embodied social justice. But my greatest teachers are children, the sick, the dying, and my clients. I look forward to learning from and researching with you!
Main focus
- Coming In & Out Mentoring - Empowering sexual, gender, family, relationship and body diversity
- Self-care mentoring for care- & political-work-exhausted people
- Guidance for companions of kids - diversity-affirming modeling, reading & talking about bodies, sexuality, feelings & consensus with kids
- Trauma-informed accompaniment and treatment of sexuality- or gender-related scars (e.g., post-natal, GAOP, mastectomy)
- Eye massage for screen work-related headaches and other digital addictions
- Self-love, masturbation & pelvic floor coaching for affected by vaginismus, vulvodynia, people-pleasing, or high sensitivity
Hier geht's zu deiner Session
The bodyworkers of our network work on their own terms.
A Sexological Bodywork session typically lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours and costs between 100 and 280 Euro.